Weekend IAS Classes for Office Goers in Lucknow
Posted by admin on December 23rd, 2013 04:01 PM. Under Coaching Updates
![sarthak ias weekdend clases]()
We know that it is very difficult to make time for preparation during the Job and if any condition someway you got time for it that second one difficult situation to face competition with regular and fully dedicated aspirants. In this tough IAS competition scenario it is unthinkable to prepare this exam only on weekend basis.
So, it is time to be happy that Sarthak IAS Coaching Lucknow is conducted weekend & evening IAS classes for Office/Job goers. This classes is especially designed for office goers. After well researched and labor we construct these classes which is able to cover all syllabus with conventional and applied approaches at scheduled time as well as it make you able to successfully face regular and fully dedicated aspirants too. Make sure there is no any avoidance of topics and efforts at just because of weekend classes. That is why Sarthak IAS Coaching Lucknow also consider Holidays and other leaves in Weekend Class Batches to fulfill all commitments and dreams.
So, Please call for weekend Batch which is going to start…….